Do debris removal like a boss. Amazing guide to decluttering.

If your home is cluttered with junk yet you don’t know where to begin perhaps our quick debris removal guide will be of special help.

Organize yourself declutter your home, recycle all while performing debris removal all over

your home and yard.


Whether you are a client preparing for full service junk removal or especially relevant if you are getting ready for self load eco-dumpsterĀ®.


Positive attitude
A positive attitude
debris removal gloves
Gloves work wonders
dust mask
Dust Masks are essential

Dust mites,rat or mouse feces are all harmful to our respiratory system hence it’s essential to protect yourself with quality dust masks when you perform debris removal.

Garbage Bags (1ml thick is usually more than enough)

Felt Marker (We like Sharpies)

Blue masking tape (for marking your garbage bags)

Start by Marking your garbage bags




Fill this garbage bag with clothes or other usable items. Although the bags are plastic, in this case they are a necessary evil alternatively you may use reused cardboard boxes.

Boxes or bags will enable you to move more usable items in an organized manner.

Mark your boxes and bags.




Scrap paper, old documents and junk mail all clutter your life however a bit of digging will pay off. A bit effort will reward you with a home free of junk paper.

Metal, Smalls


From old paper clips to other miscellaneous junk you may have.

Larger metal items should be separated into a whole separate pile.


Go through your home and fill the bags with the junk you find making sure to fill based on the

marking on the tape!


Segregate larger recyclables into piles


Think paper, plastic, metals, e-waste


Keep your debris removal operation organized. Staying organized will enable you to maximize diversion away from landfill.

You are ready for pick up or ready to load your debris into your dumpster.


Load garbage on the bottom of the debris bin.

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